My husband and I have a heart for missions and we’re very intentional about passing that down to our children. I was 16 when I went on my first missions trip and it opened up my mind to new truths about how small my world had been before that.
I would love to get my kids out to the mission field as soon as possible but since the world is a bit locked down these days, we’ve been looking for other opportunities. When I heard about the “Growing up Wild” series by the Wild brothers, I was excited to try it out.
What is Growing up Wild by Wild Brothers Productions?
Growing up wild is a vlog-style biblical missions “curriculum” by Wild Brothers Productions that follows the brothers as they grew up working alongside their parents in Indonesia.
We received the Growing Up Wild Complete pack which included 15 total episodes on 5 DVDs. Each Dvd for Growing Up Wild comes with a printable guide and activities that can be printed from the included CD-rom.
I was concerned when I first received the set whether or not they would hold my children’s interest but I am happy to say that the content is so interesting that my children were completely enthralled with the series.
Targeted towards children in grades 4-8
Although the DVDs are geared toward ages 9 -12, I believe they could be used for younger or older children as well.
However, one thing to keep in mind is that some of the videos do share in-depth information about cultural practices that you may be out of your comfort zone if your children are younger so I would suggest previewing the video before getting started to know how much you want to show your children.
What this Faith Based Curriculum Teaches
The main point of this series is to expose children to modern-day missions and inspire them to think about how they can play a role in reaching the nations for Christ. As my children watched through the episodes they were completely surprised by something. For example, my children had never considered that some families do not have easy access to water
But in one episode, there was an in-depth look at a family that had to route water to their home. This brought up a lot of questions for my children about how we get water into our own home which was a perfectly teachable moment!
If you’re looking for a way to expose your children to missions, I highly suggest checking out The Wild Brothers Products!