A BIG thank you to Night In Boxes for our wonderful Date Night In!
When I first received our Date Night Box "Key to My Heart" I was so excited that I opened it without waiting for my husband! (oops).
(It actually turned out to be a good thing because right in the front of the Date Night Instruction booklet there was a list of groceries I would need to pick up!)
So - I'll be 100% honest here and admit - at first glance, the box didn't look like it was going to be much fun. In fact, it looked more like a marriage class than a fun date.
But I had heard really good things about it so I thought that we should still give it a chance.
After dinner (recipe provided in the box) we bathed the kids and got them up into bed and then we sprawled out a blanket on the living room floor and began the "unboxing!"
This month was sponsored by the American Heart Association so the night started out with a little video about a couple who had experienced the effects of a heart defect.
It was a great reminder about taking care of hearts both physically and emotionally!
Afterwards - we broke open a bottle of wine and turned on the fun playlist provided for the date on the Date Night In website!

If you've been around the blog then you know that I am a big believer in using music to set the tone! And this sweet playlist of 50's music clips was just the ticket to transport us from our living room to another time.
After the video - we each took a quiz to find our love language. We had actually already taken the same quiz in our premarital counseling course but it was interesting to see what had changed in 8 years of marriage!

We also got the chance to write a love letter to each other (that ended up being our "prize" for beating the escape room game that came next.)
The game was basically a series of cards / puzzles that we had to solve in order to find a date, time and location where we would "meet up" with our "love."
My husband and I are both sort of nerdy when it comes to solving puzzles/riddles so we found this part of the night SUPER fun.
There was also a password game included in the box that was similar to a playing taboo or catch phrase. But it stuck to the same theme as the rest of the box and all of the words were french words and places!

Even though I originally thought the box was going to be more educational that fun - it turned out that this was more fun than we've ever had on a "Date Night OUT" (Although now I'm ready to go out to a real life version of an escape room next!)

You can purchase a box or read more about "Night In" boxes are available HERE! I hope you enjoy yours as much as we did!
I received this box for free in exhange for an honest review.